CPSP Members Page

Edit Profile


This is where you can update and manage your public profile. Make changes to your personal information, upload a new profile photo, and modify your biography to keep your profile up-to-date. Ensure that all fields are filled out accurately to best represent yourself to the community.

Basic Info

Maximum file size: 6 MB
Upload a professional photograph of yourself.
Enter your first name as it appears on official documents.
Enter your last name or surname as it appears on official
Choose a unique username that you'll use to log into your account. It should be a combination of letters and numbers, with no spaces.
Provide your contact phone number, including the country code. This may be used for account recovery or urgent notifications.
Enter your valid email address. This will be used for communication and account verification.
If applicable, enter the URL of your personal or business website. Make sure to include 'http://' or 'https://' at the beginning.


Certification Type
Use this section to list the types of certifications you have received from CPSP. This will help others understand your qualifications and areas of expertise. Multiple certifications can be added; please separate each with a comma for clarity.
Educational and Faith Titles
Select any educational and faith group titles you've earned. If your title is not available in the dropdown list, please enter it here to specify your professional or academic credentials


Introduce yourself to the community in this section. Share your skills, experiences, and passions to connect with others.
Enter a concise headline that encapsulates the essence of your testimonial. This could be a key takeaway or the main point you want to emphasize.
Write your full testimonial here. Share your experience, insights, or recommendations in detail. This is your opportunity to elaborate on the headline and provide valuable information to others.

Social Networks

Enter the full URL to your Facebook profile where people can connect with you or follow your updates.
Enter the URL link to your Twitter profile for people to read your tweets and engage with your content.
Enter the URL link to your Instagram profile for people to view your posts, stories, and reels.
Enter the URL link to your YouTube channel where people can watch and comment on your videos.
Enter the URL link to your LinkedIn profile for professional networking and job opportunities.


Please enter the city where you are currently residing. This information helps us understand your geographical location for better chapter placement and event recommendations.
Enter the address where you primarily conduct your work or business activities. This field is optional and can be left blank if not applicable.
Select the state you currently reside in or are associated with. This information helps us provide more localized services and offers.
Not from the U.S.?
Toggle this switch if you are not from the United States. Doing so will provide you with a list of countries worldwide to select from.
Choose your country from the list below. This list includes countries from around the world, each represented by its full name and two-letter ISO country code.

Registration Expires:

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Join us for the CPSP 2024 Plenary Event in Atlanta! Discover a world of inspiration, growth, and community in pastoral care and psychotherapy. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with leaders in the field and engage in transformative discussions. Register now for an experience that will enrich your professional journey!

